EUCOPE’s Life Science Lectures – Webinar Episode One
30. May 2023 — Register Here
Episode One – 30 May (16:00 – 17:00 CET)
Attaching conditionalities to incentives: the right path to improve access?
The first episode of EUCOPE’s webinar series – Life Science Lectures – will reflect on the modulation of incentives, specifically regulatory data protection (RDP) and orphan market exclusivity (OME).
The EU Pharmaceutical Package attaches conditionalities to obtain incentives. Additional years of data protection will be offered to marketing authorization holders that address an unmet medical need, that carry out comparative clinical trials or that launch a new product in all EU Member States within a defined timeframe.
There are different views on the potential impact of conditional incentives when it comes to patient access, innovation and EU competitiveness. The panelists will share views on whether conditional incentives would stimulate or harm access, innovation and competitiveness in the EU.
The panelists will also reflect on which additional solutions could increase patients’ access to novel therapies while maintaining a competitive and innovative incentive framework for pharmaceutical companies.
Introduction & Moderation (5-min)
- Alexander Natz, Secretary-General, EUCOPE
Panel (35-min) + Q&A (15-min)
- Milan Mishkovikj, Board Member, ELPA – European Liver Patients Association
- Francis Pang, Senior Vice President, Global Market Access and Market Expansion, Orchard Therapeutics
- Antonios Rodiadis, Policy Officer – Unit D1 on Medicines – policy, authorisation and monitoring, DG SANTE
- Fredrik Erixon, Director, ECIPE – European Centre for International Political Economy
Conclusions (5-min)
- Alexander Natz, Secretary-General, EUCOPE