Evoke Incisive Health’s ”Break the Bubble”
9. Mar 2023 — Register Here
Our new member Evoke Incisive Health is launching #BreakTheBubble, a new event series bringing together healthcare stakeholders to look at the stories and the opportunities that lie behind the scenes of current policy debates.
If you are interested in deep diving into the EU healthcare programmes and funds to better understand the interplay of these tools with industry priorities, we are delighted to extend the invitation to you all to the kick-off event titled “Unleash the potential of EU programmes and funds: What’s in it for the industry?” on 9 March, from 8:30h to 9:30h at Evoke Incisive Health’s offices in Avenue Louise 54 at Silversquare Stephanie!
The Evoke Incisive Health team will welcome you with a delicious breakfast and Valentina Polylas and Hans Martens will share their insights from their 35+ years of European and international experience to brainstorm together how industry can integrate EU funds and programmes into its strategic thinking and broader policy perspective.
Do not miss this opportunity to brainstorm together how we can rethink stakeholder engagement across Europe by unleashing the potential of EU funds!
Places are limited, you can book yours here!
If you have any questions about this event, please do get in touch with Valentina Polylas at valentina.polylas@evokegroup.com