World Rare Disease Day 2023
28. Feb 2023 — More info
Rare Disease Day is the globally-coordinated movement on rare diseases, working towards equity in social opportunity, healthcare, and access to diagnosis and therapies for people living with a rare disease. Since its creation in 2008, Rare Disease Day has played a critical part in building an international rare disease community that is multi-disease, global, and diverse– but united in purpose.
Rare Disease Day is observed every year on 28 February (or 29 in leap years)—the rarest day of the year. Rare Disease Day was set up and is coordinated by EURORDIS and 65+ national alliance patient organisation partners. Rare Disease Day provides an energy and focal point that enables rare diseases advocacy work to progress on the local, national and international levels.
Though Rare Disease Day is patient-led, everyone, including individuals, families, caregivers, healthcare professionals, researchers, clinicians, policy makers, industry representatives and the general public, can participate in raising awareness and taking action today for this vulnerable population who require immediate and urgent attention.
By Sharing your colours via social media, events, illuminating buildings, monuments and homes, by sharing experiences online and with friends, by calling on policy makers and shining the light on people living with a rare disease, collectively we aim to change and improve lives of the 300 million people worldwide.
You can find EUCOPE’s work for Rare Disease Day here: