
TRANSFORM in France: EU – a space for R&D in cell & gene therapies?

6. Jul 2023 — Register Here

TRANSFORM is pleased to announce its first event at the national level is coming soon!

On 6 July 2023, the TRANSFORM Alliance will host a roundtable to exchange on the ATMP landscape in France, and the potential impact of the Pharmaceutical Package on access to ATMPs at the Member State level. We will count with the participation of TRANSFORM MEP Anne Sander (FR, EPP) and French MPs Philipe Berta (MoDem), Jean-Carles Grelier (Renaissance) and Cyrille Isaac-Sibille (MoDem).

Join us from 14:00 at the Académie Nationale de Médecine (Paris, France) for a hybrid event on “L’Union Européenne, espace de recherche et d’innovation pour les thérapies géniques et cellulaires”


 ➡ Register Here (limited in-person participation)

❗ Please note, this event will be held exclusively in French

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