News - January 23, 2020
EJP RD – Networking event for interested parties
On the 3rd of March, in Paris, France, the Rare Diseases Research (RDR) initiative will organise a networking event for SMEs, academia and interested stakeholders to take part in research project targeting specific rare diseases challenges.
Within the framework of the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases, the Rare Diseases Research (RDR) initiative aims to explore the provision of funding to specific research challenges, bridging the gap between practical technologies and the industry needs. Following several workshops to which EUCOPE and some of its members companies took part in, the initiative will soon launch its calls for partners in the four identified challenges:
- Development of a non-invasive tool for measuring rare disease patient mobility in daily living;
- Delivery system for intranasal administration of biological drugs to neonates;
- Characterize Rare Bone Disorders (RBD) Mobility Challenges in Real World Setting;
- Pre-clinical assay to detect instability of microsatellite repeat expansions.
The total budget allocated to this initiative by the European Commission allows for 375 000 € of funding per project.
More details and registration form for the networking event in Paris can be found here.