Events & Meetings / News - May 7, 2019
EC Conference: “Medicines for Rare Diseases & Children: Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future”
On 17 June 2019, the EU Commission (EC) will gather a large spectrum of stakeholders from the Member States, patients, academia, healthcare professionals and industry to collect their views on the successes and limitations of the regulatory framework for Paediatric medicines and Orphan Medicinal Products (OMPs). This event is set against the background of the ongoing EC evaluation of the combined effects of the paediatric and orphan Regulations and impacts as well as the already-conducted 10-year EC report on the Paediatric Regulation.
Participants will be invited to discuss the following issues: unmet medical need, incentives, medicines for children, the development and access pathways and future developments. For each topic, the EC has provided a list of questions, which they aim to be addressed in breakout sessions.
Further information, including a final programme will be soon available on the European Commission’s website.