EUCOPE News by Category — Press Releases

Filtered by Category: Press Releases

EUCOPE Resources / News / Press Releases - July 29, 2021

Response to the OMP & Paediatric Consultation- A Call for a Constructive Conversation

The European Commission is consulting stakeholders as part of its revision process of two major pieces of legislation, on medicines for rare diseases and paediatric patients. Central to the development of innovative treatments for these specific categories of patients, this revision process represents an important… read more

EUCOPE Resources / Press Releases - January 7, 2021

EUCOPE’s response to the Orphan Medicinal Products and Paediatrics Inception Impact Assessment

EUCOPE, the European association for small to medium-sized companies active in pharmaceuticals and biotechnologies submitted its response to the Paediatric and Orphan Medicinal Products (OMPs) inception impact assessment. EUCOPE represents 130 companies, many focused on rare diseases, largely small to medium-sized, playing a key role… read more

EUCOPE Resources / News / Press Releases - November 25, 2020

EC Pharmaceutical Strategy – Time for a Modern Approach to Value

EUCOPE, the European association for small to medium-sized companies active in pharmaceuticals and biotechnologies – many of which are researching and developing rare disease treatments – notes the publication of the European Commission Communication on the Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe. EUCOPE calls for a comprehensive Pharmaceutical Strategy… read more